The brain is the most miraculous organ in the body and is the seat of our mind, will, and consciousness. When functioning properly and efficiently, the mind is capable of incredible cognitive feats. Unfortunately, since the brain is an organ in the body, deterioration is inevitable. There can be many reasons why alterations or deterioration occur in the brain. Sometimes it is the result of injury, other times because of illness, but most often, it is time that poses the most significant risk to brain function.Â
As the body ages, it naturally begins to slow down. This slowing is often demonstrated through reduced mobility, decreased energy levels, and diminished cognition. Another common symptom of aging is memory issues. Memory issues mean more than forgetting the occasional thought, name, or location of a commonly used item. Memory issues can affect cognition, reasoning, communication abilities, emotional regulation, and mobility, making daily tasks an incredible chore. When choosing a memory care program or facility, it’s essential to understand how memory is affected by age and how these effects can be mitigated through treatment.Â
When Is It Time for Memory Care?
It’s pretty safe to say that no one has an infallible memory. Everyone forgets where they left their keys from time to time and struggles to remember the specifics surrounding past events. However, when someone always forgets where they left their keys or consistently has trouble remembering past events, it may indicate that something more significant is going on. One of the most common signs it’s time for memory care is after someone is diagnosed with a memory-based medical condition such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.Â
Conditions such as these are progressive, meaning they have no cure, and symptoms are likely to increase in severity over time. Once memory issues have escalated to a point where an individual can no longer take care of themselves or poses a significant risk to themselves or others, it is time to consider memory care. Memory care differs from standard assisted living facilities by catering specifically to people with memory issues, utilizing specifically trained staff, and incorporating curriculums and activities known to help those with deteriorating memory.Â
5 Signs for When to Consider Memory Care
There are many signs which can indicate that an individual requires memory care. Memory issues present themselves differently in everyone, meaning that memory care should be decided on a case-by-case basis. Here are five signs it’s time for memory care:
1. Safety
Memory issues can significantly increase the risk of injury or accident. Someone may become easily lost, be prone to wandering off, or may leave the stove on. When memory issues arise, safety concerns should be documented and relayed directly to memory care staff before choosing a program or facility.Â
2. Obligations
Someone with memory issues will find it hard to meet professional, social, or family-based obligations. This can create various issues as individuals are less likely to remember to pay their bills, fulfill responsibilities, and remember plans.
3. Personal Neglect
Memory issues can affect an individual’s perception of the passage of time. This can result in personal neglect as it relates to health and hygiene. Some may forget to bathe regularly, keep up with household chores, or take medication, which can significantly decrease their quality of life and exacerbate other issues.Â
4. Nutrition
While it’s unlikely that someone would forget to eat, as hunger presents a constant reminder, an individual with memory issues may be unaware that their diet lacks nutrition. Memory issues can make it hard to keep track of a diet’s recent contents, leading to over-indulgence in non-nutritious foods, which will negatively affect an individual’s overall health.Â
5. Social Isolation
When suffering from memory issues, social isolation, unfortunately, becomes likely. Making plans and sticking to them can be an incredible chore. This poses a great danger to those with memory issues, as social isolation has been shown to speed up the progression of memory-based conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.Â
Memory issues should not be taken lightly. When ignored, such problems are almost guaranteed to worsen over time, creating a significant health and safety risk to those affected.Â
Find Quality Memory Care at Buckner Westminster Place
Progressing through a typical day and daily routine can be nearly impossible when struggling with memory issues. These issues pose a risk to an individual’s health and safety, longevity, and emotional well-being. When memory issues arise, it is critically important that professional help be sought out as soon as possible. For more information on signs it’s time for memory care, reach out to our facility today to schedule an appointment or contact us at 903.329.6520 or online.