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The Importance of Mental Health in Senior Living

a senior man takes care of his mental health

Unlike physical health, the steps required to support positive mental health can sometimes be unclear. For seniors approaching their retirement years, new mental health challenges can arise. A senior memory care program can often be of benefit for seniors requiring more support with memory and cognitive function.

The importance of mental health in senior living is very close to our hearts at Westminster Place. Call 903.329.6520 or contact us online today to learn about our senior memory care program and the many ways we support the mental well-being of our residents.

Tips for Supporting Mental Health for Seniors

If you’re a senior adult struggling with your mental health, you’re not alone. Fortunately, supporting your mental health is simple at any age when you take the right steps. Follow these easy tips to understand the importance of senior mental health and enjoy your golden years to the fullest.

Spend Time Outside Regularly

Feeling cooped up in your home often exacerbates mental health concerns rather than improving them. Take the time to get outside for a little while every day, whether you take a walk around the block or simply sit outside in the sunshine for a few minutes.

Exposure to natural light is good for the brain, helping it to release happy chemicals that assist in stabilizing your mood.

Develop an Exercise Routine

Did you know that regular exercise is just as good for senior mental health as it is for physical health? Start small by adding in a few short walks per week, some yoga sessions, or some bodyweight strength training. You’ll soon notice how much exercising improves your mood while also making you feel better in your body.

Eat Nutritious Meals

You can support your mental and cognitive health from the inside out through your diet. Boost cognitive function by choosing nutritious foods like:

  • Leafy greens
  • Lean poultry and meat
  • Quinoa
  • Berries
  • Sweet potato

Improving your nutrition can have both short-term and long-term effects on your mental health. Additionally, when you feel great after a healthy, nutritious meal, it’s sure to improve your mental state, too.

Stay Hydrated

If you’re feeling low and lethargic, you may simply be dehydrated. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to support your mental health while also keeping your body strong.

Prioritize Good Sleep

Lack of sleep can often be at the root of feelings like anxiety and depression for adults of any age. Poor sleep can also increase the speed of cognitive decline. Make sure to get your full 7 to 9 hours of sleep by keeping your room cool and dark and avoiding large meals right before bedtime.

Socialize Often

Feeling isolated is one of the most common causes of poor mental health for seniors. To keep your spirits high and also support good cognitive function, make plans to spend time with friends and family as often as you can.

Call Today for Senior Memory Care at Westminster Place

While the golden years have many exciting and fun aspects, there’s still an adjustment period that comes along with this time of life. Adults who once worked fulfilling careers or were busy raising families find themselves with much more free time than before, and in many cases, their mobility and physical health are changing at the same time.

Our team at Westminster Place understands the importance of mental health in senior living. That is why we support the mental well-being of our residents by creating a full, exciting lifestyle that everyone in our community can look forward to taking part in each day. Call us at 903.329.6520 or fill out our online form to learn more about the Westminster Place experience today.