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10 Calming Sensory Activities for Dementia Patients  

a senior paints, one of many calming sensory activities

Dementia is a degenerative neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. As the disease progresses, individuals with dementia often experience sensory impairments that can significantly impact their daily lives. These impairments include difficulties with touch, smell, sight, and sound. Sensory impairments often cause agitation, which can be soothed by calming sensory activities.

Memory care communities recognize the need for calming sensory activities for seniors with cognitive issues. Westminster Place utilizes these and other practical therapies to help our residents find peace and wellness. Learn more by calling 903.329.6520.

Dementia Patients Can Be Overwhelmed by Overstimulation

Some of the common sensory impairments associated with dementia include:

  • Touch – Dementia patients may struggle with processing tactile sensations, leading to heightened sensitivity or decreased awareness of touch. They may find certain textures uncomfortable or may not respond to gentle touch as expected.
  • Smell – The ability to smell can diminish in dementia patients, making it challenging for them to detect odors or recognize familiar scents. This loss of smell can impact their enjoyment of food, their environment, and even their ability to recognize loved ones.
  • Sight – Visual impairments are common in dementia patients, ranging from blurred vision to difficulties perceiving depth and contrast. This can lead to confusion, disorientation, and difficulty recognizing objects or navigating their surroundings.
  • Sound – Dementia can also affect auditory processing, causing individuals to become hypersensitive to noise or have difficulty understanding speech. Background noise can be overwhelming, making it hard for them to focus and communicate effectively.

These sensory impairments can be agitating for dementia patients because they disrupt their ability to interpret and interact with the world around them. In many cases, these impairments can contribute to feelings of frustration, confusion, and anxiety. Fortunately, engaging in sensory therapy activities can help manage these impairments and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

10 Calming Sensory Activities for Dementia Patients

The benefits of these calming sensory activities may help dementia patients destress and become less agitated by sensations.

1. Hand Massage

Gently massaging the hands with a soothing lotion can provide a calming sensation. Use slow and rhythmic motions, paying attention to the individual’s preferences and any signs of discomfort.

2. Aromatherapy

Use essential oils or scented candles to create a calming atmosphere. Lavender, chamomile, and vanilla are known for their relaxing properties. However, ensure that the scent is not overpowering and check for any allergies or sensitivities beforehand.

3. Sensory Bins

Fill a shallow container with various tactile materials such as sand, rice, or dried beans. Encourage the individual to explore the textures using their hands or small tools. This activity can help stimulate touch sensations and promote relaxation.

4. Nature Sounds

Play recordings of soothing nature sounds, such as gentle rain or chirping birds. These sounds can create a peaceful ambiance and help drown out distracting noises.

5. Gardening

Engage the individual in simple gardening tasks, such as potting plants or watering flowers. The sensory experience of touching soil and plants can be therapeutic and grounding.

6. Soft Toy Therapy

Provide soft and plush toys that the individual can hold and cuddle. These toys offer comfort and a sense of security, especially for individuals who have difficulty expressing their emotions verbally.

7. Coloring or Painting

Offer coloring pages or simple painting activities that engage both sight and touch. Use large brushes, easy-grip markers, or textured paints to make them more accessible for individuals with motor difficulties.

8. Music Therapy

Play soothing music or familiar songs that evoke positive memories. Music can help reduce anxiety and improve mood, creating a calming environment for individuals with dementia.

9. Snoezelen Rooms

Snoezelen rooms are sensory environments designed to provide relaxation and stimulation. These rooms may include soothing lighting, gentle vibrations, soft music, and tactile objects. Provide a quiet space where individuals can retreat and engage their senses.

10. Gentle Exercise

Incorporate gentle exercises, such as chair yoga or stretching, into daily routines. Physical activity helps release endorphins, promotes relaxation, and improves overall well-being.

Calming Sensory Therapy Activities in Memory Care Communities

Memory care communities understand the importance of sensory therapy activities in promoting the well-being of dementia patients. These activities are integrated into daily routines and help build trust between staff and residents.

Calming sensory therapy activities are often scheduled throughout the day, allowing residents to engage with different sensory experiences. Trained staff members create safe and supportive environments where individuals can explore and enjoy these activities at their own pace.

Memory Care Services at Westminster Place

At Westminster Place, our dedicated team of professionals understands the needs of individuals living with dementia. We design individualized care plans that offer a variety of therapeutic activities to promote relaxation and wellness. Our goal is to create an environment that supports maximum independence and improves the quality of life for every resident.

Call us today at 903.329.6520 or contact us online to learn more.